
class ComputedFieldHandler(handlers.eventhandler.EventHandler):

Watch fields for value changes, and when one of the watched fields changes, set another field to a computed value. This allows for lookups and mappings between multiple fields.

fs_types: list of fact sheet types, where this handler should run
depends_on_fields: a list of fields to be monitored for changes; if any of these fields change, the lookup will be performed
field_name: name of the field to be set
update_when_empty: also set the value of field_name when no new value or an empty value was computed
value: list of definitions for the new value lookup

Each entry in value is an object containing two fields:
value: the value to be set if the condition is true
condition: a string of Python code, determining whether this value should be used. The current fact sheet is passed as local variable fs, and you can use any Python code to compute a value of True or False


    "fs_types": ["Application"],
    "depends_on_fields": ["functionalSuitability", "technicalSuitability"],
    "field_name": "lxTimeClassification",
    "update_when_empty": False,
    "value": [
            "condition": "fs['functionalSuitability'] == 'unreasonable' and fs['technicalSuitability'] == 'inappropriate'",
            "value": "Eliminate"

This would set the TIME classification to “Eliminate”, when functional fit and technical fit are set to their lowest values, and would not update in any other case.

name = 'Computed Field'
description = 'Update a field depending on values in other fields, and select on computed conditions'
conditions = {'event_types': ['FactSheetFieldUpdatedEvent']}
supports_initial_sync = True
config_template = {'fs_types': ['Application'], 'depends_on_fields': ['functionalSuitability', 'technicalSuitability'], 'field_name': 'lxTimeClassification', 'update_when_empty': False, 'value': [{'condition': "fs['functionalSuitability'] == 'unreasonable' and fs['technicalSuitability'] == 'inappropriate'", 'value': 'Eliminate'}]}
def handle(self, event, fs, **kwargs):

Called automatically whenever a FactSheetUpdated event comes in via webhook.

def initial_sync_event(self, fs):