Whenever somebody creates an Application, remove all write access ACLs that do not match a Group Cluster, and
assign the correct Modelling Cluster based on the ACL.
Customer-specific automation, requires a special data model. Should not be used for testing.
description =
'Whenever somebody creates an Application, remove all write access ACLs that do not match a Group Cluster, and assign the correct Modelling Cluster based on the ACL.'
config_template =
{'auto_subscribe': {'type': 'RESPONSIBLE', 'role': 'Steward'}, 'editorial_status_field': 'editorialStatus', 'editorial_status_initial': 'Draft', 'editorial_status_prefix_field': 'editorialStatusPostfix', 'deletion_days_field': 'editorialDraftExpiryDate', 'deletion_days': 30, 'relation': 'relApplicationToModellingCluster'}